Recovering From Keloids

Recovering from Keloids

Recovering From KeloidsKeloids are sometimes inevitable even with diligent care. Whenever a keloid scar forms, start treatment as soon as possible in order to smooth the skin and make the scar lighter. Many treatments are very effective and low in cost. Some are not as effective and more costly. You can talk to your physician or dermatologist about scar treatments for keloids and see what fits your needs.

If conventional treatments are not effective over time, you may need to have medical treatment. There are steroid injections with fluorouracil that can help make keloids flatter and less obvious. Steroid injections are costly and require a number of treatments to be effective. Another treatment is laser removal that can help remove excess blood vessels that cause discoloration to scars.

This is safe and effective, but very expensive. Insurance usually does not cover laser therapy due to its cosmetic nature.

Surgical Removal of Keloids

As a last resort, doctors can perform surgery on keloids to make them smaller. This comes with a risk of infection and the possibility of another keloid scar forming in the place of the original one. The surgeon cuts out the keloid and sutures the skin back together making it smaller. Treatment can be followed by radiation to further reduce the appearance of a keloid.

Recovering From KeloidsRecovering from keloid treatments such as laser therapy, surgery or steroid injections requires time and further treatment. After a major medical treatment, talk to your doctor about aftercare and follow instructions for recovery time carefully. If your doctor gives the OK, use a good moisturizer after any open wounds have closed and keep the wound clean and dry during healing.

Make sure you use a silicone-based product containing nutrients that feed and nourish the skin. This encourages healthy new skin cells to grow and dead tissue to fall away. There is no guarantee that a new keloid will not form if you are prone to them, but the best defense is taking action as soon as possible.

Creams for Scars

Exploring Effectiveness of Scar Creams

People who suffer from scars have an embarrassing issue to deal with. Scars happen for many reasons, including injury, surgery, and piercings. No matter what the cause, an unsightly scar may leave the sufferer exploring the effectiveness of scar creams.

Creams for ScarsThere are so many creams for scars on the market that it can get a bit confusing picking one. You need to understand the different types of scars in order to find just the right cream for your type of scar. Scar creams can fade and reduce the appearance of scars and leave you with healthier looking skin.

All about Scars

Scars form when the skin becomes open due to injury, surgery, piercings or burns. The body immediately begins the healing process and starts to send collagen and protein to the site of injury.

Collagen and protein form a fibrous tissue that closes up the wound. Normal skin tends to look like a basket weave under a microscope, but scars only have tissue that goes in one direction. This leaves spots on the skin that are different in color and texture. Some scars are minor and unnoticeable, but some can be very prominent and large. Creams for scars are designed to treat certain types of scars, and different scars may need more or less treatment. Let’s take a look at the different types of scars.

Creams for ScarsTypes Of Scars

Keloid Scars – These scars form after a wound has healed, sometimes up to months later. They tend to become larger than the area of the original wound and can be raised up and darker in color, with tough or rubber-like tissue. They are caused by an overproduction of collagen at the site of injury and are more common in people with darker skin tones.

Contracture Scars – Contracture scars tend to become smaller and tighter than the original wound bed and can make the skin feel tight. The pulling sensation when you move the area around the injury can cause pain with movement.

Hypertrophic Scars – These scars are often confused with keloid scars. They are very much alike in that they are more red and discolored than normal scars and the tissue can be very tough and rubbery. The difference is hypertrophic scars do not become larger than the site of original injury.

Acne Scars – Severe and even mild acne can leave scars on the skin. Some severe acne scars can appear as pits and can be very damaging to self-esteem. With good skin care and treatments, these scars can be faded, reduced or even filled in to give the skin a smoother appearance.

The Effectiveness of Creams on Scars

Depending on the type of scar you have and how committed you are to your treatment and skin care, creams can dramatically reduce the appearance of your scar. By nourishing the skin with proper nutrients, moisture and protection, scar creams can be effective over time with consistent use.

Scar creams use safe, all-natural ingredients that can help smooth and flatten scar tissue and the surrounding area.

These methods promote increased blood circulation, exfoliate dead skin cells, and regenerate healthy tissue for glowing skin. The effectiveness of a scar cream depends on how often and how long you use your choice of treatment.

Using Scar Creams

In order to see the most effective results, scar creams must be used as directed. In addition, follow these steps to help increase treatment effectiveness:Creams for Scars

  • Cleanse and Exfoliate – Before applying a scar cream, cleanse and exfoliate the scar area with a gentle soap and rinse with water to remove old skin cells.
  • Apply and Massage – Apply the cream and use a gentle, circular massage technique to help loosen scar tissue and get the cream into the layers of skin. The massage can help increase circulation and regenerate tissue at the site of injury.
  • Use Daily – Perform these steps daily, and over time you will see a reduction in scars and experience fresh healthy skin!
  • Start Treatment As Soon As PossibleBegin scar treatment as soon as the wound from an injury has closed. Ask your doctor when the best time would be to apply cream to scars caused by surgery. Newer scars fade better if treated early on.
  • Use SunscreenDuring scar treatment, make sure you use a good sunscreen to keep the skin from discoloring more and making the scar more pronounced.

A Cure for Your Acne

Finding the Right Cure for your Acne

There are many causes of acne and the unattractive scars it leaves your skin with. Acne can be caused by stress, poor skin care, and certain foods. Some acne is caused by genetics, age, and health conditions. It is most important to take good care of your skin to promote healing of acne and prevent acne scars. It is possible to heal acne lesions and overcome scarring, leaving your skin fresh and rejuvenated. It just takes finding the right cure for your acne and sticking to your treatment plan.

How to Get Started

A Cure for Your AcneLooking for acne treatment can be overwhelming. There are so many over-the-counter washes, creams ,and gels dedicated to acne. A good number of drugstore formulas are safe and do not go into the body, so there are no chances of drug interactions. Over-the-counter acne treatments help by taking care of bacteria on the skin, keeping the skin clean and preventing pores from clogging through exfoliation.

Microdermabrasion is very helpful for exfoliation and can restore healthy skin, which helps to prevent scars. This leaves skin smooth and feeling like silk. It is important after using any acne washes, creams, or microdermabrasion that you apply an oil-free moisturizer to help restore the balance of moisture to the skin. Many times, the skin will overproduce natural oils when it is too dry, and lack of moisture can actually lead to acne.

If you have deep, severe, pitted acne, see a dermatologist to help you with medical treatment of your acne. A physician can help you find an aggressive treatment if needed for acne and acne scars. Medical treatments include laser therapy, surgical lancing, and chemical peels. These things can be costly, and some may have side effects. Trying home therapy first is always best for your skin and your budget.

Acne is More than Just Skin Deep

A Cure for Your AcneThe causes of acne may lie well beneath your skin. Those who suffer from depression and emotional stress can suffer from acne even beyond their teenage years. One reason for this is the inability to regulate hormones and chemicals associated with stress, and this can cause severe outbreaks. Many times, older acne sufferers may need to seek professional counseling to help learn techniques to deal with stress and depression. This may help with self-esteem issues and also help calm down acne breakouts.

Eating Right with Acne

Diet really doesn’t have a whole lot of influence on acne, and there are very few things in the diet that can affect or cause acne. But not eating healthily affects the entire body and how it fights off acne breakouts. When your body doesn’t obtain the proper nutrients and vitamins, it cannot heal itself. When you suffer from acne scars, you need proper nutrition to regenerate healthy skin cells. A dietitian can help you plan a good diet to help your body get what it needs. Each body has its own individual needs, and meal plans can be developed to optimize your skin’s healing capacity. While diet may not be the cure for your acne, it may help with the skin healing.
The situation at hand is that stress can make acne worse, and worsened acne can lead to more stress. Getting help for stress, eating right, and finding the right cure for your acne helps in the long run. There are so many choices for treatment to make you look and feel your best!

Cures for Acne Scars

Home Treatment for Acne Scars

Acne scars are a very common problem the world over. There are many people who choose to live with the embarrassing issue of acne scars into their adult years because they are expensive to treat medically. Most insurance companies do not cover treatments for acne scarring if it does not cause a health problem. The good news is there are many revolutionary new treatments for acne scars that can reduce their appearance and help skin heal. Acne scars can be treated safely at home without the use of costly surgery or chemical treatments. Even better, these home treatments are very healthy for the skin and have a chance of being even more effective. They do take time and patience but are very safe and show great long-term results. They are also much less expensive than medical procedures, and you may even have most of the ingredients already in your home.

Some wonderful home remedies to help reduce the appearance of acne scars are:              

Cures for Acne ScarsLemon or Lime Juice – The citric acid in lemon juice and lime juice can help remove dead skin cells and make scars appear more flat. The vitamin C in citrus fruits lightens scars and helps them blend in with your normal skin. It is also an important nutrient for skin healing. Apply a little lemon or lime juice to scarred areas and leave it on the skin for a few minutes. Wash off with a cool wet washcloth and apply a good moisturizer. Make sure you wash your hands after using citrus juices.

Cucumbers – These are rich in nutrients that can help relieve inflammation and also lighten scars. Take a slice of cold cucumber, and put it directly over the scar for a while. Apply a moisturizer after using.

Rose Water and SandalwoodThese ingredients have long been used to nourish the skin. Their effects tend to be sedating, which can alleviate stress, a main component in acne flare-ups. A rose water and sandalwood paste can help relieve acne inflammation naturally. Just take some rose water and sandalwood and mix them into a paste. Apply it to your face as a mask and leave on your skin for a few hours or all night. Rinse the paste off with cool water and apply moisturizer.

Cures for Acne ScarsTomatoes – Tomatoes are quickly becoming a popular acne home remedy. The powerful antioxidant lycopene is high in vitamin C and can help prevent free radicals from forming. It also nourishes any healthy skin cells during healing. Put a slice of tomato onto acne scarring, and leave it for up to 30 minutes. Then rinse the area and apply moisturizer.

Cold-pressed Olive Oil – Olive oil that is cold when pressed contains a good number of healthy, all-natural antioxidants that are not found in regular olive oil or other oils. Rub cold-pressed olive oil onto acne scars for deep moisturizing and regeneration of healthy skin. This can exfoliate and moisturize for healthy new skin.

Lavender Oil – This herbal oil can help reduce acne scarring. Lavender cleanses away any impurities to help the skin heal itself. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory property and can also help relieve stress.

Because of the expense of medical treatments for acne scarring, many people choose to turn to home remedies first to see if they can reduce the appearance of acne scars themselves. There are also many over-the-counter remedies for acne that can help to exfoliate and moisturize the skin while it heals.

Acne Scars

How to Handle Acne Scars

Acne is a very common skin disease characterized by red, raised bumps or black and white heads. It is most often found on the face, upper chest, and back. Acne usually subsides by adulthood but can often leave behind scars. Acne scars can be unattractive and embarrassing. They can be a constant reminder of the years you spent suffering from unsightly acne.Acne Scars

Acne scars can be nearly impossible to completely get rid of, but there are ways to make them less noticeable by helping them blend into your healthy skin. The different treatment options available vary in effectiveness and cost based on the severity and type of acne scars you may be suffering from.

Best Treatment for Your Acne Scars

Laser peels and resurfacing techniques use photo rejuvenation to induce wounds on the skin, prompting new, healthy skin cells to form. Side effects may include irritation on the site of the laser and even additional scarring. Because it is considered a cosmetic procedure, they will usually not be covered by medical insurance unless the scars are hindering functionality.

Scar Creams

Scar creams like Scarinex and gels are the treatments used most often these days. They are the cheapest and most noninvasive treatments for lessening the appearance of unsightly acne scars. The most important thing to do when trying to decide which cream or gel to use is to study the ingredients. Many of the creams for sale contain cocoa butter and vitamin E, which are highly effective in fading acne scars.

The difficulty with these creams lies in the fact that they are often diluted with water, so they are not nearly as effective as they could be. The most comprehensive treatment for a good price is a silicone-based scar gel. The silicone locks in moisture by forming a protective barrier that attaches itself to the skin, allowing for the growth of healthy new skin.

Chemical Peels

Acne ScarsChemical peels are split into three different categories, superficial peels, medium peels and deep peels. These methods use chemicals to remove the top layer of the affected skin. This promotes the healthy growth of beautiful new skin. For mild cases of acne scars, superficial peels can be used. These peels can be applied anywhere on the body and generally heal very quickly. For more moderate acne scars, medium peels are used. Medium peels can cause slight redness and take over a week to heal.

Deep peels are used in cases of severe acne. These peels are known for bleaching the skin that is affected by acne scars and can take up to 2 weeks to heal, leaving your skin reddened for almost 8 weeks.


Dermabrasion is the process in which the skin is frozen, and then scraped to remove several layers of the skin. Once the skin heals from this, healthy skin can grow back. The same process is used in microdermabrasion, except it does not go as deep, peeling off only the top layer of skin. Microdermabrasion is for more mild cases of acne scars, while dermabrasion is for more severe cases.

Advanced Scar Removal

The Removal of Advanced Scars

Most scars can be treated and their appearance reduced with simple home treatments that include exfoliation, nourishment, and moisture. Some scars such as keloids and hypertrophic scars may need advanced scar removal. Keloid and hypertrophic scars happen when the body overproduces healing substances that cause excess tissue to form at the site of an injury. They can be treated with long-term home treatment, but certain situations may require a doctor’s care.

Preventing the Need for Advanced Scar RemovalAdvanced Scar Removal

If you are prone to severe scarring, the first way to prevent the need for advanced scar removal is to protect your skin from injury. Try to avoid excess piercings as they are a major culprit in developing keloid scarring. Keep your arms and legs covered when hiking or riding a bike. Use a good moisturizer and take care of any injuries right away.

As soon as you receive an injury to the skin, wash the area thoroughly to remove dirt and debris. Cover the area with a clean bandage or pressure dressing. Keep the area clean and dry until the wound is closed. You can even apply a dab of antibiotic cream, as these are known to help minimize scarring. After wound closure, begin using a silicone-based wound gel or bandage.

The best provide nourishment and moisture and keep healing skin protected. This minimizes scars from the beginning of the injury. Often, there are scar conditions that require further treatment, such as keloids or large wounds. Here are some advanced scar removal techniques that can be used as a last resort:

Cortisone Injections

Doctors can treat severe scars with cortisone injections. These help reduce inflammation, slow scar tissue formation, and lighten redness. They are effective but can have side effects. There may be pain at the site of injections, allergic reactions, or color changes in the skin tissue. They are usually given monthly for 3 months with an out-of-pocket cost of about $60 each, since insurance may not cover them if they are merely for cosmetic reasons.


Doctors can freeze scar tissue with cryosurgery to help flatten thickened or overgrown scar tissue. This type of treatment can help with very large scars. This treatment is said to be painful and can cause itching and irritated skin. There are also home cryosurgery kits that cost around $200.

Laser Treatment

Advanced Scar RemovalThese treatments are between $1,000 and $5,000 and are very complicated. The doctor needs to find just the right laser that will be most effective on the scar tissue. After laser treatments, doctors will also bleach the skin to further lighten the scar. The one side effect of laser treatments is that keloid scarring may worsen or come back. This is due to burns to the skin caused by the laser further damaging the tissue.

Surgical Removal

When scar tissue is very thick, large, and resistant to any other treatment, the last option is surgical removal of scar tissue. A surgeon can cut out the scar tissue and sew the skin back together to create only a line of scar tissue. This can cost between $500 and $3,000 depending on the size of the scar. Since this is surgery, there is a risk of infection and no guarantee that the treatment will be effective.

Taking care of injuries before they become out of control can help to prevent the need for advanced scar removal. This avoids damage to the skin and the increased costs of fading the scar in the long run.

Restoring Your Skin After Scarring

How to Restore Skin after Scarring

Restoring your skin after scarring is based on the same healing process that caused the scar to form in the first place. Skin is constantly shedding and regenerating on a daily basis. It is this process that helps you have fresh-looking, radiant skin. Without this, you would have very dry, flaky-looking skin. When you sustain an injury, have a piercing, or undergo surgery, your body produces collagen to heal the area, and this appears as a scar.

Restoring Your Skin After ScarringScars can be unique and have many sizes and shapes depending on your skin color, health, and what type of injury you suffered. Your ethnic and genetic background also dictate how you develop scars. If you have a darker skin tone, you may be prone to keloid scars, which are large, darkly colored scars. If you have a family history of keloid scars, you may get them too.

Scars tend to start off very dark red and raised above the skin in the beginning of the healing process. They tend to flatten and fade on their own over time. The red color comes from the body sending lots of blood to the area to facilitate healing. Scar formation and healing can take up to 2 years. Scars then tend to turn a corner and begin to fade into the skin naturally.

There is one type of scar in which this process does not happen: keloid scars. Keloid scars do not stop the initial process and continue to redden and grow instead of fading away. They often grow beyond the outline of the original wound and continue to darken and become more raised above the skin. They can also become very painful and itchy.

The most common types of scars are caused by injuries, burns, surgery, and acne. Weight gain or loss can also cause a type of stress scar known as stretch marks. These occur in bodybuilding and pregnancy.

The Many Types of Scars

The most common scars are hypertrophic, atrophic, and keloid. Hypertrophic and keloid scars are red, pink, and raised above the wound bed. They are caused by any type of skin puncture or incision. Women often get them after piercings. They are caused by a severe overproduction of collagen sent to heal a wound. Proper wound care following an injury can help reduce these types of scars.

Atrophic scars are caused by acne and are often referred to as pitting scars. Chicken pox also causes atrophic scars, and these are referred to as pockmarks. Atrophic scars are usually caused from excess picking or scratching of the skin with these diseases. Proper treatment during the course of the disease can help reduce the incidence of these types of scars.

Is it Fact or Fiction that Scars can be Removed?

Restoring Your Skin After ScarringThere are medical studies on certain scar treatments to prove or disprove scar removal effectiveness. The studies found that vitamin E alone does not have much impact on scars; however, aloe vera is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can reduce the redness of scars over a period of time. Silicone gels can form a moisture barrier and help exfoliate old tissue and regenerate healthy skin cells.

The popular silicone sheets are easy to use and show some effectiveness but not as much as silicone gel with nutrients that nourish the skin and encourage new skin cell growth. Lastly, surgery can be helpful with keloid scars, and lasers are effective on hypertrophic and atrophic scars, helping smooth and flatten the skin.

The most effective scar treatment is preventing scars from forming in the first place. Practice good wound care at the time of injury, and after the wound closes, apply a good silicone barrier with added nutrients to finish proper healing.

Keloid or Hypertrophic Scars

Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars

Keloid scars are caused by an overproduction of the fibrous tissue that repairs the skin after an injury, piercing, or surgery. They can also be caused by scrapes, burns, cuts, and injuries that are self-inflicted. Keloid scars are red or pink and grow to become larger than the area of the actual injury. They can be painful and even upset the function of the muscles in the area.

Keloid Scars or Hypertrophic Scars

Keloid or Hypertrophic ScarsKeloid scars and hypertrophic scars often are confused. It is important to know that there is a difference between them, because the treatment is different for each. Most scars are very flat and pale pink in color. When a scar becomes hypertrophic, it thickens just over the wound bed but eventually fades on its own in a year or so. Hypertrophic scars never grow past the site of injury but can thicken and turn rubbery. This may be treated with steroid injections to help flatten the area. Keloid scars can form over time, even long after a wound heals. They are very unsightly and turn shiny and red or pink in color. They also can have a hard, rubbery feeling. But unlike hypertrophic scars, keloid scars begin to grow beyond the borders of the wound and can be painful or itchy. The chest, back, shoulders and earlobes are common areas for keloid scars to appear.

How Keloid Scars Form

The exact cause of keloid scars is not known, but some people are more prone to them than others. In medical research, studies show that skin injuries in people prone to keloids have an impaired response, with the body sending out too much collagen and fibrous tissue and the healing process continuing after the wound closes.

This type of scar is more common in darker skinned people and women. Men are affected less because they tend to have less body piercings than women. But they can still get them.

Prevention of Keloid Scars

Anyone susceptible to keloid scars needs to take steps to prevent injury and avoid unnecessary surgeries and piercings. These are the most common causes of keloids. There is no way to guarantee that someone prone to keloid scars will not get one after an injury heals, but steps can be taken to prevent them.

As soon as an injury occurs, apply pressure to the wound bed. This measure can reduce bleeding and speed up the process of healing. Immediately clean the wound with mild soap and cold water. Cover the wound with a clean bandage to prevent bacteria from entering. After the wound closes, apply a silicone barrier and moisturize often.

Examples Of Scar Treatments

Types of Scar Treatments

ׁIf you are thinking about having scars treated to diminish their appearance, you will first need to determine the best treatment for your scar type. Treatments depend on how the injury occurred, how deep the wound was, the wound’s size, and your age and health. Here are some common examples of scar treatments:


Dermatologists can inject scar tissue with cortisone, a steroid that reduces inflammation and swelling. This can flatten and lighten the appearance of large raised scars, such as hypertrophic and keloid scars. The steroids soften the scar tissue so it can become smaller. Another type of injection uses collagen fillers, hyaluronic acid, or fat to help fill in the area of scarring so it blends in with the natural surrounding tissue.

This helps for deep scars. Regardless of the type of scar, injections do not heal scars permanently, and you may need multiple treatments over time.

Laser Procedure

Using a laser to treat scars can help lighten their appearance and flatten the scarred areas. Lasers work with carbon dioxide or pulsed dye and a very intense light beam that actually alters scar tissue to help remove it. Technicians can also perform laser resurfacing on the skin, which actually helps relieve a lot of the discomfort associated with scar tissue, such as pain, itching, and burning. Laser treatments are quite costly, and they require a number of sessions over time to see results.

Scar Removal Treatments

Scar removal involves removing the actual damaged and scarred tissues and encourages the healthy growth of new skin in the area. Some of these treatments are minimally invasive, but some involve highly invasive procedures like surgery. Here is a list of scar removal treatments:

  • Examples Of Scar TreatmentsChemical Peels – This involves using a type of acid on the skin to take off the first few layers chemically. The skin sloughs off, and new skin is generated to create a smoother appearance. There is a few days’ healing time, and the treatments cause reddened skin initially.
  • Dermabrasion – Dermabrasion takes off layers of skin by using a rough substance or a wire brush.

Special scrubs with granules or brush kits can be bought and used at home.

  • Cryosurgery – The skin is frozen, and then dermabrasion is used to remove dead skin cells.
  • Punch Excision – A skin punch is used to remove certain areas of skin, and then skin can be grafted over the area.
  • Surgical Removal – The area just around the initial scar is removed, and then the skin is sewn back together to create a smaller scar.

Home Treatment

Examples Of Scar TreatmentsThere are treatments you can buy in drugstores over the counter to use at home. These contain ingredients that help moisturize, heal, and reduce the appearance of scars.

These include silicone-based creams and sheets that can be used on scars. They are generally very safe for use but can be costly.

Costs of Scar Treatments

Some medical scar treatments can be very costly, and health insurance usually does not cover them if they are only for cosmetic reasons. There have been cases in which insurance covered scar treatments that were medically necessary. If you had a traumatic accident or breast surgery, scar treatments may be covered. For instance, if a large area of your skin is burned in a fire, skin grafts and scar removal are necessary, so that your skin can do its job properly.

If a scar is just bothersome and you don’t want to look at it, then you will most likely have to pay out of pocket for treatment. This is why it is important to find the best treatment for your needs.

Restorative Treatment for Scars

Restorative Treatment for Scars

Your skin covers the entire outside of your body, and a lot of it is visible to others. When you have skin damage or an injury to the skin, it is almost always evident to others. Scars can be very hard to conceal or cover and can also damage your self-esteem. Skin damage is caused by many things, including surgery, piercings, burns, and cuts. Injuries result in unsightly scars that people often want to fade or make go away. Luckily, there are treatments that can help.

First, know what type of scar you have and how it got there. Also, your race, genetics, and age play a large part in how your body forms scars. Let’s take a look at the different types of scars.

Types of Scars

 Restorative Treatment for ScarsAcne Scars – Acne scars are formed from the inflammation and excess collagen the skin produces to heal acne. These scars can appear very deep and pitted. They can also show up in angled waves. Acne scars can be treated with microdermabrasion to remove old skin cells and the use of a good quality moisturizer to regenerate the skin.

Hypertrophic Scars – These scars form when skin damage goes deep into the skin.

The skin begins to produce extremely large amounts of collagen to form large, thick red scars. They remain only at the site of injury but can thicken over time. These scars are most common in dark-skinned people. They tend to affect self-image, and people go to great lengths to hide them. Dermatologists can inject these scars with steroids or perform laser surgery on them to reduce their appearance.

Contracture Scars – These are very deep scars brought on by burns to the skin. They often can extend into the tissue and affect the muscles. They tend to get very inflamed and are painful. Steroid shots can help reduce the pain and inflammation.

 Restorative Treatment for ScarsKeloid Scars – Keloid scars can grow beyond the boundary of a wound and cause pain and discomfort. They feel like rubber and are pink in color. They tend to occur more often in darker skinned people. They can be caused by body piercings, cuts, and acne. Prevention of injury is important in people prone to keloid scarring. If an injury occurs, begin treatment right away and keep the wound covered during healing. Then apply moisturizer often to prevent excess collagen from forming.

Other Treatments

Treatment in a doctor’s office is considered cosmetic and may not be covered by insurance. Hypertrophic and keloid scarring may be covered only because they cause pain. The doctor may be able to use steroids to relieve discomfort and reduce inflammation.

If a scar is small and not painful, it can usually be treated with special creams or gels designed to treat scars. The best types are silicone based that both cover and provide moisture to the area of the scar.

Scars that are very large and deep may possibly be reduced with silicone gel treatments, but it will take time. Removing deeper scars requires a commitment to treatment and the understanding that the only other option may be laser treatments or microdermabrasion. With time, scars fade, and become less apparent.