Top 5 Scar Treatments

Reviews of Scar Treatments:

Best Scar Treatments (in priority order):

#1 Scarinex (More Information)

Overall Rating: 98.4% (product & cost comparison)

Product Claims:

Scarinex is a revolutionary product formulation that includes very effective ingredients proven by research to reduce and eliminate scars. This formula has two products, the first being the Scarinex gel containing five different kinds of 100% medical grade silicone. This is the same material that doctors use for scar treatment. The second product is a powerful skin rejuvenator that feeds and nourishes skin to help regenerate healthy tissue.

Top 5 Scar TreatmentsThe effectiveness of Scarinex comes from a powerful formulation of ingredients. One by one, the ingredients were thoroughly looked at by reviewers to see their actual benefits in scar healing. There are also over 50 studies proving the product’s benefits in reducing the appearance of all types of scars. It is so beneficial even doctors endorse the product.

The Scarinex scar removal gel seals in moisture to the skin and helps reduce inflammation, pain and swelling to the area. The moisture helps to reduce the appearance of scars and begin the process of healthy tissue regeneration. The rejuvenator feeds the skin and encourages new healthy skin cells to grow.

One top attribute we found with this product is that it is formulated to work on many types of scars that people may face.

It works on scars resulting from surgical incisions, cuts, abrasions, burns, piercings and acne as well as keloids, hypertrophic scars and stretch marks.

We were also impressed with the fact that Scarinex is produced in an FDA-registered laboratory and held to the very high quality standards of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certification.

Scarinex has no reported side effects. This product is safe for use by anyone and comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.


Scarinex offers the best package deal out of all the products we reviewed. If you buy two bottles, you get two bottles free. This brings the price to $24.95 per bottle. At this price with a money-back guarantee, there is no better value for scar removal.

Our Conclusion:

We found Scarinex to be the top product for scar removal on the market, with positive consumer reviews showing it to be very effective and a great value.

#2 Talsyn-CI (More Information)

Overall Rating: 81.2%

Product Claims:

Top 5 Scar TreatmentsTalsyn-Cl came in at number two on our list and is a good product for fading the appearance of scars caused by surgery and keloid and hypertrophic scars. We gave this product our number two spot because it wasn’t quite formulated to treat the number of scars that our number product treats.

We were happy to see that Talsyn-CI carries doctor endorsement, and that is a plus. It also helps to reduce redness in scarred areas. This product did have some lower consumer ratings and reviews stating that scars only faded slightly after a few months of use.

Talsyn-CI is formulated with a lipid compound with a blend of fatty acids, peptides and botanicals to help nourish healing skin and encourage more collagen deposits in the area. Collagen usually helps during the initial healing of a wound, so this product needs to be used as early as possible in the healing process. Our number one product helps anytime, even years after wounds have healed into scars. Studies show Talsyn-CI only has a 62% reduction rate on older scars.

This is an all-natural and safe product. It does have one reported side effect of causing possible redness. The manufacturer recommends using this product twice daily for 9 to 12 weeks to see improvement.


Talsyn-CI sells for $39.95 a tube and $159.80 for four tubes. This price was a bit higher than our number one product’s and, considering the time it takes to see results with this product, may add up over time.

Our Conclusion:

Talsyn-CI is a good formula with all-natural ingredients that are designed to nourish the skin and reduce scars at the outset. It fell to our number two spot because it has fewer ingredients and takes a longer time to show effectiveness.

#3 Kelo-cote (More Information)

Overall Rating: 78.6%

Product Claims:

Top 5 Scar TreatmentsKelo-cote is a good product with biocompatible and bio-inert silicones that can help soften and flatten scars and make the skin appear smoother. It fell to our number three spot because of it lacks ingredients that encourage healthy skin regeneration.

Kelo-cote creates a moisture barrier over the scar to help soften the scar and smooth the skin. It locks in moisture and helps improve elasticity. This product contains 100% silicone gel, which has been found scientifically to reduce scarring. It needed just a few more ingredients to help provide moisture and nutrients to help the skin regenerate. It received a rating of “very good” by 24% of consumers.

This product works by using polysiloxane, a long chain polymer that forms a waterproof, semi-occlusive layer to create a protective barrier over the area of scarring. While this is a quality ingredient, the product needs a little more ingredients to move up on our list.


Kelo-cote sells from $21.99 for a small tube up to $109.99 for a large tube. It takes around 2 to 3 months to begin to see results.

Our Conclusion:

Kelo-cote has a quality ingredient that can help protect the skin during healing. It needed a few more ingredients to feed and nourish the skin and would have moved up on our list if it covered more types of scars.

#4 Revitol (More Information)

Overall Rating: 75.4%

Product Claims:

Top 5 Scar TreatmentsRevitol is a good product for skin rejuvenation using all-natural and safe ingredients. It fell to our number four spot because it lacks ingredients that help encourage the production of collagen.

We were happy to see this formulation uses 100% all-natural and safe ingredients. It can help fade scars from surgery, burns, acne and cuts. It needed more ingredients to help increase moisture and nourish the skin. Our top product covered a few more scar types and had more nutrients in its formulation.

The manufacturer of Revitol states it can fade most scars. While this is good, its effectiveness was not as good as our number one product’s. Revitol’s effectiveness is reported to take 2 to 6 months of twice-daily use, while our top product works in a matter of weeks as reported by users.


Revitol sells for $49.95 for one bottle and $149.90 for four bottles. This is considerably more expensive than our top product and could definitely add up over time. We feel more ingredients need to be included to increase the value of the product.

Our Conclusion:

Revitol can help rejuvenate the skin with long-term use over time. It does have some good ingredients that are safe and all natural. It made our number four spot because it did not cover as many types of scars as our number one product and was not as good a value.

#5 H-Scars (More Information)

Overall Rating: 68.7%

Product Claims:

Top 5 Scar TreatmentsH-Scars is good because it uses 100% all-natural and organic ingredients that can help reduce the appearance of scars. It came in at number five because of its lack of ingredients that help nourish the skin and encourage tissue regeneration. Our number one product is formulated to nourish and regenerate skin cells.

This product does have some good essential oils derived from plants that help improve skin tone and soften the skin. One ingredient, immortelle, helps reduce inflammation to the skin and can help some with tissue regeneration.

There are also a few other herbal ingredients that can help nourish skin and fade scars. H-Scars fell short of our top product because it didn’t have enough ingredients to help lock in moisture and encourage healing. H-Scars has no reported side effects and is all natural and organic. Essential oils can help moisturize skin, but with scars a barrier is needed to lock in moisture. Our top product is designed to lock in moisture to increase healing.


H-Scars sells for $69.95 a bottle. This is the highest price out of all of our products and much higher than our top product. The four-bottle deal is $279.80. The manufacturer needs to include more nourishing and moisturizing ingredients to increase the product value.

Our Conclusion:

H-Scars is good because it uses essential oils that are all natural and safe. It came in at number five because it didn’t have enough ingredients in its formulation to increase moisture and tissue regeneration. Our editors also felt it was on the pricey side for scar removal.

Puncture Wound Scars

Treatment for Puncture Wound Scars

Puncture Wound ScarsPuncture wounds may be a medical emergency. If you or someone you know receives a puncture wound to the eye or throat or any puncture wound with excessive bleeding, apply pressure right away and seek medical attention. Do not attempt to remove any objects lodged in the body. Call 911 if the wound is to the abdomen or chest, or if the person has difficulty breathing or is dizzy, unconscious, or vomiting.

Treatment at Home

Treatment for puncture wound scars begins at the time of injury. When an injury occurs, first make sure that it is not life threatening and that you are able to stop the bleeding. If the wound is deep and open, you may still need to contact a doctor.

Also contact a doctor if you sustain an animal bite, a human bite, a rusty nail wound or wounds that are near the neck, abdomen, or chest. Never remove a lodged object yourself. But if it is a splinter, you may carefully attempt removal yourself. Always take the object out in the same direction as its entry into the body. Clean puncture wounds by flushing with cold water for several minutes. Make sure any debris is cleaned from the wound. Place an antibiotic cream on the wound to prevent entry by bacteria.

Use a bandage and clean the wound daily, applying antibiotic cream after cleaning, until the wound edges close and come together. Keep an eye on the wound and watch for signs of redness around the edges or drainage of pus. If this begins to happen, you may need to contact a physician.

Follow-Up Care for Puncture Wounds

Many puncture wounds can be easily treated on site with no complications as long as the open area is cleansed and covered immediately. More severe wounds or infected wounds may need to be seen by a physician. Watch for signs of redness, bleeding or swelling, which could mean the wound is infected and you may need oral antibiotics.Puncture Wound Scars

Some puncture wounds also require a tetanus shot to prevent tetanus infection caused by rusty nails or animal bites.

Long-Term Treatment of Puncture Wound Scars

After the wound has closed, there may be a prominent scar that you would like to heal. Remember, this scar is the result of the body’s healing process and a buildup of new skin tissue that just looks different than the skin that was there before.

You can help reduce the appearance of this scar tissue by keeping it moist, nourished, and exfoliated of dead skin cells. Try a silicone gel product, a good moisturizer with nutrients, and an occlusive dressing to hold in the moisture and keep bacteria away from the area. This process may take awhile but is well worth the effort. For those who don’t have the time for topical scar removal, there are some costly medical procedures, including laser treatments, surgery and microdermabrasion.

Acne Scar Treatment

Does Acne Scar Treatment Work?

People who suffer from acne scars often feel self-conscious about their appearance. Even though acne scars are an embarrassing reality, acne scar treatment can help reduce their appearance and make you feel more confident. It just takes a little time and understanding in order to find what will work for you.

Acne Scar TreatmentIt is important to know that medical treatments for scar removal do not completely remove scars, can be costly and are not usually covered by insurance when they are for cosmetic reasons only. Most acne scar treatments only diminish the appearance of scars, while other treatments out there are very effective for fading scars and at helping regenerate healthy new skin . Before beginning treatment of acne scars, know what type of scar you are working with.

Types of Acne Scars

Acne scars are almost always permanent, although most may fade with time and good skin care. The different types of acne scars are usually:

  • Macules – These are flat, reddened spots that previously were acne lesions. They last for a few weeks after a breakout and tend to disappear on their own.
  • Dark PigmentationAfter healing, an acne scar can appear as a dark spot on the skin. This is a type of over-pigmentation caused by the inflammation during breakouts. These spots can take months to fade after the breakout is over.
  • Tissue ScarringThese acne scars grow large and appear raised on the skin after an acne lesion heals. They are known as either keloids or hypertrophic scars and are caused by too much collagen production during the healing process.
  • PittingThis is the most common type of acne scarring. Caused by loss of tissue at the spots where there were acne lesions, these scars appear as pitted areas on the skin.

Finding Acne Scar Treatment

Acne Scar TreatmentFinding an acne scar treatment that suits your needs depends on what you want. Medical treatment is not necessary if scarring is minor to moderate. If scars are severe, you may need professional help with them. People usually look for treatment and help when scars cause issues with self-esteem, and they are unable to fade them on their own at home.

Acne scar treatment is usually performed by a dermatologist or even a cosmetic surgeon. They can evaluate your scars and help you decide on a course of treatment depending on the severity and type of scars. They can also give you skin care ideas to help prevent scars in the future.

Common Acne Scar Treatments include:

  • DermabrasionThis uses an instrument to take off the top layer of skin along with scar tissue to flatten and smooth the skin surface. This treatment requires recovery time and good skin care to prevent complications.
  • Microdermabrasion The dermatologist uses a small abrasive material to scrub the top layer of skin off. This is a type of facial and can even be done by an aesthetician. There is no recovery time, but a few treatments over time may be required to effectively fade scars.
  • Chemical PeelsChemical peels use a chemical that removes the top layer of skin. A chemical peel can fade the acne scars that are shallower, dark spots, and post-inflammatory lesions. Side effects include red skin, peeling, and irritation for a short time after the treatment.
  • Retinoic Acid Certain acne scars do not respond to typical treatments. This is especially true with keloid acne scars. Retinoic acid cream can be applied to acne scars to help fade and diminish their appearance.
  • Acne Scar TreatmentLaser Treatments Laser treatments can smooth and lighten acne scars by removing the  top layer of the skin. The type of laser used and the length of treatment depend on the type of scar tissue and how bad the damage is to the skin. It may take from a few to a number of treatments. There is a recovery period of a few days after treatments, and the cost can run over $1,000.
  • Filler Treatments Pitted areas in the skin from acne scars can be filled with hyaluronic acid, fat, or collagen injections to even out the skin.

They are absorbed by the body, so repetitive treatments are needed over time.

  • Punch Excisions This is a type of surgery that can take out the acne scar. A punch biopsy tool is used to “punch” out the area, and then the surgeon can suture the area closed. This is mainly used on pitting acne scars.
  • Skin GraftingWhen there are large areas of acne scars, the tissue can be replaced with healthy normal skin. The skin is usually taken from a hidden place, such as behind the ears. Skin grafting can be used after other invasive acne treatments to repair any damage.

Acne can severely dampen self-esteem, and looking into acne treatments can help you feel better about yourself. Understand the different methods of treatment, the costs and the recovery time involved in order to make the best decision.

Natural Scar Treatments

Natural Scar Treatment Options

Scars can affect many types of skin differently. No matter what type of scar you suffer from, you probably want to look into scar treatment. Scars may only cover one small area, or they may cover a large part of your body. Treating scars can reduce their appearance and bring back your self-confidence. While there are a variety of all-natural and safe products to help fade scars and heal the skin, not every scar removal product is appropriate for every skinNatural Scar Treatments type. You can learn about all of the different products to find the one best suited for your skin type. With natural treatments, you may be able to begin treating scars with things you already have in your home. Most of these remedies have potentially no side effects and can be very cost effective. Here is a list of natural home remedies:

Gels and Liquids

Aloe Vera Gel – Using aloe vera gel can help lighten scars and reduce their appearance. It comes from the aloe vera plant, and you can just break off a leaf and apply the gel directly to acne scars. Make sure to wash off and use a good moisturizer.

Honey – Honey has been used for thousands of years as a skin tonic. It can provide nutrients to help feed the skin and can also lock in moisture. Dab a bit of honey onto acne scars to help fade them.

Lemon Juice – The citric acid can help to lighten the appearance of scars.

Healthy doses of vitamin C from lemon juice help nourish and heal the skin. Lemon juice contains alpha hydroxy acid that can help remove dead skin cells. After using lemon juice, make sure to wash your face thoroughly and apply a good moisturizer.

Natural Pastes and Oils

Natural Scar TreatmentsCucumber Paste – Take cucumber and grind it into a paste. Spread over acne scars to help reduce redness and inflammation. Cucumber helps moisturize the skin and speed up healing.

Almond Oil – Almond oil is very nourishing to the skin and can help the skin regenerate healthy tissue naturally. Make sure that you are not allergic to tree nuts before using it.

Olive Oil – Olive oil is very moisturizing to the skin and can be used after the above treatments to help lock in moisture and promote healing.

Make sure you use cold-pressed olive oil for the best results.

Natural Scar Treatment Tips

Try massaging the area of acne scars to keep adhesions from forming in the scar tissue. Gentle massages can keep scars from growing thicker. They can also promote blood flow to the area to help with healthy tissue regeneration.

Before you use any of the treatments above, always do a “spot check” to make sure your skin does not react badly to any of the treatments. Never leave lemon juice on your skin for more than 15 to 20 minutes and always moisturize after using.

Exfoliate your skin at least once a week with a scrub. You can try adding brown sugar to your honey to make a paste and scrub the skin. This will help remove dead skin cells. Never exfoliate more than twice weekly and always moisturize after exfoliation.

Skin Culture Silicone Scar Treatment Gel Review

Silicone Scar Treatment is a product for the treatment and management  of scars whether old or

It main purpose is the regeneration of scars and the surrounding skin.

It provides protective and restorative care for most types of scars.

Skin Culture Silicone Scar Treatment Gel Ingredients

No information about product ingredients is provided in the product source although ingredient information is provided for the vendor’s skin peel products (it is not clear in the product source if Silicone Scar Treatment Gel is a skin peel or not).


No information about product dosage is provided by the product source. The product comes in a 20 gram spray container.


$45.00 for a 20 gram spray container.

Skin Culture Silicone Scar Treatment Gel Guarantee

The product vendor offers a 45 day money back guarantee less shipping and handling.  The product source also includes an extensive set of customer reviews.


Only limited information about this product ingredients and application was provided by the product source. Anyone thinking to buy this product  particularly with a serious scar problem should have a health care professional review the product prior to purchase.

Click here to learn about our Top Scar Treatment products.

Bangkok Botanica Cybele Scagel Review

Bangkok Botanica Cybele Scagel is a scar gel dedicated to treat scars of all kinds. Whether you have obtained scars from surgery or acne and pimples, Cybele Scagel will eventually heal it.

The special formula found in the product will help smoothen and clean out skin irregularities. The product is also claimed to lighten dark scars.

Cybele Scagel has an available counterpart specially formulated for kids.

Bangkok Botanica Cybele Scagel  Ingredients

The ingredients in Cybele Scagel work together in order to soften hard fiber tissues and flatten them out.

  • Anti-inflammatory Allium Cepa (onion bulb extract) – 12%
  • Centella Asiatica – 10%
  • Nanohydroxyprolisilane CN
  • Paper Mulberry Extract
  • Tamarind and mixed fruit extracts
  • Aloe vera Extract
  • Vitamin E


Prior to application, the affected area must be cleaned thoroughly first. Apply the gel twice a day and massage until the skin absorbs it. Bangkok Botanica Cybele Scagel must be continuously applied in order to achieve best results. When the gel has dried, makeup or powder can be used.


The product can be bought for a price of $14.89. It can be bought for a discounted price depending on the online store chosen. Free shipping may also be offered.

Bangkok Botanica Cybele Scagel Guarantee

Unfortunately, we cannot find proper information on money-back guarantees or any other special offers for the product. This is probably because Bangkok Botanica Cybele Scagel is already very affordable compared to other scar treatment products widely available online and in drugstores.


Bangkok Botanica Cybele Scagel makes a very promising scar treatment product, considering it boasts of its mostly natural ingredients. It also offers and option for kids, which means the manufacturers value the safety of their products. Because of this, Cybele Scagel makes a great addition for home emergency kits. Apart from surgical scars, the product also works for acne scars, which is one of the most common skin problems nowadays.

Click here to learn about our Top Scar Treatment products.

Scar Treatment At Home

Home Scar Treatment

Reducing scars at home may be easier than you think. Home remedies for scars are usually sitting right in your own kitchen or bathroom. Many items you use every day for other things are really effective in treating scars and preventing them from progressing. If you’re suffering from some unsightly scars, you may want to try one of the following home remedies:

Vitamin E

Many people often have vitamin E sitting around in a medicine cabinet. It comes in gel capsules to take internally as a supplement. These can be broken open to squeeze out the oil. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can nourish and feed the skin. If used early on in wound healing, vitamin E may help prevent scarring, when used often during the day. Vitamin E can also help promote growth of new healthy skin cells, leading to glowing, gorgeous skin. When you massage vitamin E oil into the skin tissue, it encourages the dead skin cells to slough off and new cells to grow in their place.

Baking Soda

Scar Treatment At HomeYou can make a paste of baking soda and water to exfoliate the skin. When you exfoliate, take off the dead skin cells to reveal a fresh new layer of skin. This process is very beneficial to scar healing. Baking soda helps scars appear flatter, reduces inflammation, and alleviates redness. Exfoliation is very effective in treating scars, but use caution because it can cause dry skin. After using baking soda twice daily, make sure you apply a good moisturizer to the area.

Olive Oil

Everyone has a bottle of extra virgin olive oil in the kitchen, and it is good for more than just sautéing. Olive oil is also a common ingredient in skin care products such as cosmetics, moisturizers, and soap. The monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil have many benefits to the body and skin. Take a tablespoon of olive oil, and dab it right onto the scar tissue. Massage it in gently, then cover it with a hot washcloth. This will steam in the olive oil to the area and soften the scar tissue. You can also use olive oil to moisturize your skin after you exfoliate. In addition to the home treatments mentioned above, some people also try the following:


Microdermabrasion is a popular type of skin treatment that can now be done at home. It uses a small machine to manually exfoliate dead skin cells. This can help remove scar tissue and regenerate skin cells. This needs to be done over several months to reduce the appearance of scars. Don’t exfoliate more than once or twice a week in order to avoid severe dryness.

Scar Treatment At HomeAfter microdermabrasion, it is very important to moisturize. Moisturizers must include high amounts of vitamins A, C, and E to help the skin produce collagen. You can buy a personal microdermabrasion kit for use at home. For larger scars, you may need to have this professionally performed.

Laser Removal

Laser removal is performed by a certified professional, usually in a dermatologist’s office. Your doctor can help you decide which laser treatment is best for your type of scar. Many people actually prefer this type of medical scar removal because the laser is more controlled than a scalpel. Smaller appearing scars are easily treated in just a few minutes. Laser treatments are very expensive and can cost over $3,000, but the price depends on the location and size of the scar.

Preventive Care

Preventive Care to Keep Nasty Scars away

Skin is your body’s main form of protection from invaders and damage. When you get a scar, your body is sealing up to protect your insides. Scars are the natural buildup of fibrous tissue formed from collagen. Collagen is released as soon as an injury occurs and the body works to close up the open area. Scars are unsightly and can be uncomfortable. The best way to prevent scars is to take action as soon as possible after an injury. Preventive care only takes a little time, and the benefits are worth it!

Preventive CareTaking care of wounds properly is the first and most important part of preventive care. Keep the wound clean and dry. Flush new wounds with water, and make sure all dirt is removed from the wound bed. Clean daily with mild soap and water. Keep a sterile bandage over the wound to keep it clean.

You can use an antibacterial cream to prevent infection. After the wound closes, begin to apply a silicone-based gel to lock in moisture and encourage healthy tissue regeneration. Your body will send a constant stream of white blood cells to the area for quite some time. This causes the first fibrous tissue in the wound bed and shows up as a scab. They don’t look very good and can be itchy. Make sure you don’t pick at scabs, as this will cause more fibrous tissue to form and make the scar appear worse. This can also cause an infection in the skin.

Preventive Care For Different Types Of Scars

Scars are a natural part of healing even with small injuries. Every scar is different in size and the way they look. How you scar depends on your ethnic background, genetics, age, and health and where the injury is. Whatever the type of scar, it is important to start treatment right away to prevent it from getting out of control and to help the skin heal properly.

Some scars are very small, flat, and light in color. These can be covered, and treatment is very effective in reducing these minor scars. Other scars can be very red, raised, and possibly larger than the wound bed. These are known as either hypertrophic or keloid scars. They can be itchy and painful. Preventive care for these types of scars includes protecting the skin from any injury. Avoid piercings, and if you need surgery, let your surgeon know that you are at risk for keloid scars. If you do receive an injury, avoid any heavy lifting, exercise and strain on the skin areas.

No matter what type of injury you sustain, there is never a guarantee that you won’t receive a lasting scar. The best preventive care is to protect your skin and begin wound care immediately after an injury.

Scar ReductionPreventive Care

Scar reduction aims at preventing scars from becoming worse. Use a good sunscreen when going out in the sun to prevent discoloration to the scar tissue. Since scar tissue is a different color than the skin, tanning will make it stand out. Sunburns can also make scars look worse and increase the scar tissue when the sunburn heals.

You will also want to look into the numerous scar creams available that contain nutrients that can nourish scarred skin. Look for ingredients like cocoa butter, vitamin E, and aloe vera. Make sure scar creams do not contain a lot of water that dilutes the important ingredients. You can also try to cover the scar with a silicone gel sheet to lock in moisture during the healing process. Silicone products can reduce the redness, appearance and size of a scar.

During treatment, try a good concealer with a shade of green to balance out the redness. Yellow can help, but may not be good for darker skin tones. People with darker skin tones can try coloring their skin around the scar to help it blend in naturally. This procedure can be costly and is permanent, so liquid concealers are sometimes a better option.

Acne scars, pitted scars or chicken pox marks can be filled in with collagen injections. More than one treatment is required, and they are quite costly. Doctors can also inject steroids to reduce inflammation, fade redness, and help smooth and flatten the scar areas. These are quite costly and require multiple treatments.

To smooth the skin, also try microdermabrasion or dermabrasion. These treatments exfoliate the top layer of skin and flatten scar tissue. They can be done with a machine or a scrub with small granules a few times a week. There are kits that can be used at home, or the treatment can be done in a spa or dermatologist’s office.

Lastly, scar reduction can be done by surgery or laser treatments. These are very invasive and require some downtime. For these reasons, preventive care is very important at the beginning of an injury.

Scar Therapy Topical Treatment Review

If you really love to have a flawless skin, but don’t have the money to remove the scars with the help of dermatologists, then it’s best to use remedies that are proven to be very effective to use no matter what.

Scar Therapy Topical Treatment is known to be one of the best ointments that you can try for scars that are persisting already, and rest assured that the low price of this product will make you believe that there are cheaper alternatives for treating these scars away.

Scar Therapy Topical Treatment Ingredients

If you’re aiming for the wellness of your own skin, make sure to check these ingredients that made this amazing product possible:

  • Pracaxi Oil – a type of extract from the Pracaxi tree is being used to provide an all natural cure for scars as it can serve as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and fungal cure for the skin.

Recommended Dosage

This product can be taken for 3 – 4 uses per day so that you can experience the best out of scar removal. Use the product regularly for 2 – 3 months, and the scar will be completely gone

Possible Side Effects

There are no such side effects from the product because this has a natural ingredient in it.


The site needs you to become eligible for the product first before they tell you about the price.

Scar Therapy Topical Treatment Guarantee

There is no guarantee for money back. There is also no indication about the probable reason why it is not for a guarantee.


Scar therapy Topical Treatment guarantees you the best benefits that you can ever have for the sake of your skin health along with the benefits that it can provide towards removing your scars. Many people have posted testimonials about the wonders of this product, and the fact that you can also get tasty promos on their end is guaranteed to be the best offer.

Click here to learn about our Top Scar Treatment products.

What Causes Scars?

Causes of Scars

Many people ask their doctors, “What causes scars?” The answer is usually quite simple: Your body is healing from an injury, and once a scar appears, your body has just closed a wound. The body has an amazing ability to send healing cells to the site of an open wound, closing it up quickly so that bacteria does not enter the body. If the skin cells were produced exactly as they were before, the wound would take a long time to close. Therefore, the cells that close the wound tend to appear just a little different than those originally in the area.What Causes Scars?

Unfortunately, many people are very self-conscious about scars. It is important to understand that when your skin’s surface sustains an injury and heals, it may never completely go back to its original appearance. The healing cells tend to make a different kind of skin that looks different in color and texture. Some scars are more noticeable than others, but the bottom line is the body is doing its job. Scars are made up of certain proteins and collagen that make up the surface of the skin. The tissue that scars are made of tends to be more sensitive to sunlight, does not generate hair growth, and is different in color than the rest of the skin.

There are many types of treatments to reduce the appearance of scars. Finding the right treatment depends on the type of injury and scar that occurred. While it is impossible to completely get rid of a scar, they do fade, sometimes dramatically. They eventually become smaller and lighter; it just takes time.

What are the Different Types of Scars?

Keloid Scars – Keloid scars come from an overproduction of collagen at the site of a wound after it has healed.

This in turn causes large areas of scar tissue to grow over and outside the area of the original wound. These scars tend to be more common in people with darker skin.

Keloid scars can be treated with steroid injections in the areas of scarring. Steroids are an anti-inflammatory that can reduce the appearance of redness and help with itching.

People who develop keloids need to understand that once they occur, they can occur again in the same area or at the sites of new injuries.

What Causes Scars?Hypertrophic Scars – Hypertrophic scars do not grow outside the borders of the wound bed and tend to heal on their own in a year’s time or more. Hypertrophic scars are tougher and redder than normal scars, and they often need steroids to heal or corrective surgery.

Contracture Scars – When there is a large loss of skin tissue, scars may form that attempt to “pull” the sides of the wound together to close it. The pulling appearance of these scars gives them the name contracture. Most of these types of scars require a cosmetic surgeon to perform a Z-plasty in order to graft new skin or form a flap to correctly close the wound.

Facial Scars – When the face receives a wound that scars it and changes its appearance, surgeons can remove the scar tissue and make a few small stitches to leave a smaller scar. Dermatologists can also perform dermabrasion that softens and leaves the skin smoother. However, facial scars do not completely go away with these treatments.