NewGel Advanced Silicone Gel For Scars Review

This product claims to be made of pure medical silicone gel which works best for healing scars no matter how long it has been there, may it be new or old. This claims to slowly make the scar disappear by going through the different stages of the healing process until the scar fades away. It also incorporates Vitamin E to help in the recovery process that the scar will undergo by softening it.

When it comes to the packaging, it takes the form of a tube which has the word NewGel+ as the most visible word while the description is printed in smaller size. As a whole, the packaging does not look convincing.

Ingredients In NewGel Advanced Silicone Gel For Scars


It is applicable for external scars only. Just apply it directly on the scar for at least twice a day. Clean the scar first before applying it and make sure to wash it once every 12 hours before applying another one again.

Possible Side Effects

  • Skin rashes
  • Itching

Can It Have Long Term Effects?

Even if it will take at least 3 weeks before you can see visible results, you are otherwise assured that once the scar was reduced, there is no more chance of it becoming more pronounced again after using it.


It can be purchase in the market at $31.20 for a 15 grams tube. The company is offering promotional schemes when you buy more than two tubes, you can have it for only $28.08 each. Thus, it gives you about 10% savings which is not at all bad compared to when you are having none at all.

NewGel Advanced Silicone Gel For Scars Guarantee

You are covered by their return policy but under certain conditions.

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White Lotus Anti Aging Organic Scar Serum Review

White Lotus Anti Aging Organic Scar Serum can be used for assisting micro-needling to reduce the visible appearance of scars.

The product contains green tea oil. The connection between green tea and the skin has long been know in Asia where it forms part of many beauty routines.

White Lotus Anti Aging Organic Scar Serum Ingredients

Ingredients include  (amounts used of individual ingredients not listed in the product source):

  • Green tea oil (Camellia oil),
  • San Qi,
  • Mo Yao – from the irculation promoting herb Carthimus tinctorius,
  • Hong Hua,
  • Olibannum gummi – used with Mo Yao, also known as Frankincense.


2.5 milliliters per product container


$39.95 for a 2.5 milliliter container

White Lotus Anti Aging Organic Scar Serum Guarantee

The product source contains no information about product guarantees or returns. It also contains no product reviews and only includes a contact number for product shipping. Customers have to use email to contact customer service.


In view of the limited amount of information contained in the product source about product guarantees and about customer reviews anyone thinking of purchasing this product should have a health care professional review the product first prior to purchasing.

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ScarFade Scar Cream And Gel Review

This product claims to work on slowly fading the scars that are caused by surgical operations or even just from a burn or a cut. Seeing that scars can be disturbing, that is why this product is there to make it less noticeable.

This is a topical cream that is applied over the area where the scar is located. However, this cannot be used for treating acne scars. This comes with a tube-like container like that of a toothpaste for easy squeezing.

ScarFade Scar Cream And Gel Ingredients

The product is formulated with mixtures of silicones which can work best towards healing wounds.


It must be applied daily. One in the morning and one in the evening. You can to choose to reapply especially when the affected area is located at parts that can be usually splashed with water example on the hands where you frequently wash.

Possible Side Effects

  • Allergic reactions
  • Skin irritation

It can have varied effects per person so it is advised that you seek doctor’s advice first whether you can have it with you.

Does ScarFade Scar Cream And Gel Have Long-Term Results?

Well, yes it has. However, you should not expect overnight results because it will depend on the size of the scar.

How Much Does It Cost?

This product is becoming widely available globally being marketed at a price between $29.95 and $84.00 for every gel tube. This can be a little bit expensive for your needs. There is no special price offered nor any promo that can help you pay less.


There is a money back guarantee. Once you find it ineffective or you become dissatisfied about how it works, then you can have it returned and get your money back.


ScarFade Scar Cream and Gel is a good product but the time that you need to wait for it to take effect which covers a period of 12-16 weeks is already a bit of a downside.

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Zenmed Scar Treatment Review

This product claims to erase scars caused primarily by acne and other instances that create damage to the skin. Seeing that scars can be a lot disturbing because it gives blemish to how you look physically. That is why; this product claims to give instant solution to that problem.

When it comes to the packaging, this one is a good one because it gives a direct impression towards the buyer regarding what it is for.


Ingredients Found In Zenmed Scar Treatment

  • Purified water
  • Montmorilllonite
  • Zinc Oxide
  • Glycolic Acid
  • Glyceryl Stearate
  • Panthenol
  • Sodium Alginate


For a more effective result, it is advised that one should take note about using it twice a day. Apply it on the affected area so that it can heal in time. Also, observe certain tips that can prevent it from emerging again.

Side Effects

As always, skin irritation can happen once it is applied on a person who has existing allergies.

Does It Have Long-Term Effects?

The effect is dependent not just on the product but also of the way the user discipline him/herself.

How Much Does Zenmed Scar Treatment Cost?

It is available in the market at a towering price of $72 which can really be expensive. However if you are lucky enough, the company is offering different deals which you can have the chance to avail.


They are giving a money-back guarantee in order to return what you have paid to them just in case things do not work well.  You can avail of it without worrying about how you will return it because they are even giving a guarantee that it will be hassle-free.

Click here to learn about our Top Scar Treatment products.

Recovering From Keloids

Recovering from Keloids

Recovering From KeloidsKeloids are sometimes inevitable even with diligent care. Whenever a keloid scar forms, start treatment as soon as possible in order to smooth the skin and make the scar lighter. Many treatments are very effective and low in cost. Some are not as effective and more costly. You can talk to your physician or dermatologist about scar treatments for keloids and see what fits your needs.

If conventional treatments are not effective over time, you may need to have medical treatment. There are steroid injections with fluorouracil that can help make keloids flatter and less obvious. Steroid injections are costly and require a number of treatments to be effective. Another treatment is laser removal that can help remove excess blood vessels that cause discoloration to scars.

This is safe and effective, but very expensive. Insurance usually does not cover laser therapy due to its cosmetic nature.

Surgical Removal of Keloids

As a last resort, doctors can perform surgery on keloids to make them smaller. This comes with a risk of infection and the possibility of another keloid scar forming in the place of the original one. The surgeon cuts out the keloid and sutures the skin back together making it smaller. Treatment can be followed by radiation to further reduce the appearance of a keloid.

Recovering From KeloidsRecovering from keloid treatments such as laser therapy, surgery or steroid injections requires time and further treatment. After a major medical treatment, talk to your doctor about aftercare and follow instructions for recovery time carefully. If your doctor gives the OK, use a good moisturizer after any open wounds have closed and keep the wound clean and dry during healing.

Make sure you use a silicone-based product containing nutrients that feed and nourish the skin. This encourages healthy new skin cells to grow and dead tissue to fall away. There is no guarantee that a new keloid will not form if you are prone to them, but the best defense is taking action as soon as possible.

Creams for Scars

Exploring Effectiveness of Scar Creams

People who suffer from scars have an embarrassing issue to deal with. Scars happen for many reasons, including injury, surgery, and piercings. No matter what the cause, an unsightly scar may leave the sufferer exploring the effectiveness of scar creams.

Creams for ScarsThere are so many creams for scars on the market that it can get a bit confusing picking one. You need to understand the different types of scars in order to find just the right cream for your type of scar. Scar creams can fade and reduce the appearance of scars and leave you with healthier looking skin.

All about Scars

Scars form when the skin becomes open due to injury, surgery, piercings or burns. The body immediately begins the healing process and starts to send collagen and protein to the site of injury.

Collagen and protein form a fibrous tissue that closes up the wound. Normal skin tends to look like a basket weave under a microscope, but scars only have tissue that goes in one direction. This leaves spots on the skin that are different in color and texture. Some scars are minor and unnoticeable, but some can be very prominent and large. Creams for scars are designed to treat certain types of scars, and different scars may need more or less treatment. Let’s take a look at the different types of scars.

Creams for ScarsTypes Of Scars

Keloid Scars – These scars form after a wound has healed, sometimes up to months later. They tend to become larger than the area of the original wound and can be raised up and darker in color, with tough or rubber-like tissue. They are caused by an overproduction of collagen at the site of injury and are more common in people with darker skin tones.

Contracture Scars – Contracture scars tend to become smaller and tighter than the original wound bed and can make the skin feel tight. The pulling sensation when you move the area around the injury can cause pain with movement.

Hypertrophic Scars – These scars are often confused with keloid scars. They are very much alike in that they are more red and discolored than normal scars and the tissue can be very tough and rubbery. The difference is hypertrophic scars do not become larger than the site of original injury.

Acne Scars – Severe and even mild acne can leave scars on the skin. Some severe acne scars can appear as pits and can be very damaging to self-esteem. With good skin care and treatments, these scars can be faded, reduced or even filled in to give the skin a smoother appearance.

The Effectiveness of Creams on Scars

Depending on the type of scar you have and how committed you are to your treatment and skin care, creams can dramatically reduce the appearance of your scar. By nourishing the skin with proper nutrients, moisture and protection, scar creams can be effective over time with consistent use.

Scar creams use safe, all-natural ingredients that can help smooth and flatten scar tissue and the surrounding area.

These methods promote increased blood circulation, exfoliate dead skin cells, and regenerate healthy tissue for glowing skin. The effectiveness of a scar cream depends on how often and how long you use your choice of treatment.

Using Scar Creams

In order to see the most effective results, scar creams must be used as directed. In addition, follow these steps to help increase treatment effectiveness:Creams for Scars

  • Cleanse and Exfoliate – Before applying a scar cream, cleanse and exfoliate the scar area with a gentle soap and rinse with water to remove old skin cells.
  • Apply and Massage – Apply the cream and use a gentle, circular massage technique to help loosen scar tissue and get the cream into the layers of skin. The massage can help increase circulation and regenerate tissue at the site of injury.
  • Use Daily – Perform these steps daily, and over time you will see a reduction in scars and experience fresh healthy skin!
  • Start Treatment As Soon As PossibleBegin scar treatment as soon as the wound from an injury has closed. Ask your doctor when the best time would be to apply cream to scars caused by surgery. Newer scars fade better if treated early on.
  • Use SunscreenDuring scar treatment, make sure you use a good sunscreen to keep the skin from discoloring more and making the scar more pronounced.

A Cure for Your Acne

Finding the Right Cure for your Acne

There are many causes of acne and the unattractive scars it leaves your skin with. Acne can be caused by stress, poor skin care, and certain foods. Some acne is caused by genetics, age, and health conditions. It is most important to take good care of your skin to promote healing of acne and prevent acne scars. It is possible to heal acne lesions and overcome scarring, leaving your skin fresh and rejuvenated. It just takes finding the right cure for your acne and sticking to your treatment plan.

How to Get Started

A Cure for Your AcneLooking for acne treatment can be overwhelming. There are so many over-the-counter washes, creams ,and gels dedicated to acne. A good number of drugstore formulas are safe and do not go into the body, so there are no chances of drug interactions. Over-the-counter acne treatments help by taking care of bacteria on the skin, keeping the skin clean and preventing pores from clogging through exfoliation.

Microdermabrasion is very helpful for exfoliation and can restore healthy skin, which helps to prevent scars. This leaves skin smooth and feeling like silk. It is important after using any acne washes, creams, or microdermabrasion that you apply an oil-free moisturizer to help restore the balance of moisture to the skin. Many times, the skin will overproduce natural oils when it is too dry, and lack of moisture can actually lead to acne.

If you have deep, severe, pitted acne, see a dermatologist to help you with medical treatment of your acne. A physician can help you find an aggressive treatment if needed for acne and acne scars. Medical treatments include laser therapy, surgical lancing, and chemical peels. These things can be costly, and some may have side effects. Trying home therapy first is always best for your skin and your budget.

Acne is More than Just Skin Deep

A Cure for Your AcneThe causes of acne may lie well beneath your skin. Those who suffer from depression and emotional stress can suffer from acne even beyond their teenage years. One reason for this is the inability to regulate hormones and chemicals associated with stress, and this can cause severe outbreaks. Many times, older acne sufferers may need to seek professional counseling to help learn techniques to deal with stress and depression. This may help with self-esteem issues and also help calm down acne breakouts.

Eating Right with Acne

Diet really doesn’t have a whole lot of influence on acne, and there are very few things in the diet that can affect or cause acne. But not eating healthily affects the entire body and how it fights off acne breakouts. When your body doesn’t obtain the proper nutrients and vitamins, it cannot heal itself. When you suffer from acne scars, you need proper nutrition to regenerate healthy skin cells. A dietitian can help you plan a good diet to help your body get what it needs. Each body has its own individual needs, and meal plans can be developed to optimize your skin’s healing capacity. While diet may not be the cure for your acne, it may help with the skin healing.
The situation at hand is that stress can make acne worse, and worsened acne can lead to more stress. Getting help for stress, eating right, and finding the right cure for your acne helps in the long run. There are so many choices for treatment to make you look and feel your best!

Hirudoid Scar Treatment Review

The main purpose of Hirudoid is actually for bruise treatment. However, the product has also been proven to heal scars, and even sprains. This makes Hirudoid one of the best options since it practically has 3 uses.

Applying Hirudoid cream in scars will flatten and soften it. It will eventually improve the look of your skin when applied continuously.

The product works even for surgery scars and keloids.

Ingredients Found In Hirudoid Scar Treatment

The main component found in Hirudoid is mucopolysaccharides or MPS. MPS works by attracting water on the affected area. This in turn loosens the strong fiber that forms the scar, resulting to a flatter and smoother appearance.

Active Ingredient: Heparinoid – 0.3%


  • Purified water
  • Glycerol
  • Stearic acid
  • Anhydrous eucerine
  • Emulsifying cetostearyl alcohol type A
  • Thymol
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218)
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216)
  • potassium hydroxide
  • Myristyl alcohol


The good thing about Hirudoid Scar Treatment cream is that it can be used for a long time.

It is advised to apply the cream twice a day on the affected area. Massage until the skin absorbs the cream. The product can also be used in children.

Hirudoid Scar Treatment cream should only be used on scars, and not on broken skin or open wounds.

How Much Is Hirudoid Scar Treatment Cream?

The cheapest price for Hirudoid cream is at $17.99. Its original price is $23.95. Prices may vary depending on the chosen e-tailer.


Unfortunately, there is no money-back guarantee for the product. This is probably because Hirudoid cream is already very affordable and only comes in one size.


Hirudoid Scar Treatment cream comes as a very attractive product considering that it can heal not only scars, but also bruises and sprains. It can also be used for kids, which means that it is safe for family use. The only drawback probably is the fact that it’s not exactly made for scars – but for bruises.

Click here to learn about our Top Scar Treatment products.

Avogel Hydrogel Review

Avogel Hydrogel is known to be recommended by many experts because this is known to guarantee you the best looking skin in terms of looks and will also remove scars completely so that you can finally have a flawless looking skin.

This product is known to be very easy to use which is why many recommend this worthy product, and it will surely make you say goodbye to those distracting scars that ruin your appearance.


Sadly, there are no details about the product’s ingredients at this moment as per official site.

How To Apply Avogel Hydrogel

This solution is known to be a water based gel that needs to have certain procedures before application. Here are the instructions:

  • Use mild soap with your dry hands before you apply the product.
  • Trim the product into the size that you see as fit for the scar application.
  • Wear the product for 12 hours before removing and cleaning it with water and soap and see what happens!

Possible Side Effects

For those that are prone to allergies and skin irritation, it’s best to ask your doctor to avoid potential side effects such as irritation.


The product comes under various sizes with different prices. Here is the list of prices:

  • 3 packs of 4×4” sheets cost $49.99
  • 8×8” sheet for $39.99
  • 3 packs of 8×8” sheets for $100.00
  • 6×48” for 1 roll of a big sheet for $119.99
  • 3 packs of 6×48” sheets cost $315.00

Avogel Hydrogel Guarantee

Fortunately, this product has a money back guarantee for 30 days.


This product is a new type of product that can really remove those scars that you though were permanent. Rest assured that the help of this hydrogel will make things better for the sake of your looks no matter how big the scar may be because it also comes under various sizes.

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Dr. Blaines – Complete ScarCare Treatment Review

If you are having problems with relation to scars, this could probably be your most lucky day. There are a lot of people right now who are suffering with poor low self esteem and a low self confidence as they are very much conscious on that particular part of their body which cannot just be simply concealed with makeup. And, these are scars.

Scars are the single most embarrassing thing that any person has to deal with. With this being said, the Complete ScarCare Treatment Kit by Dr. Blaines has been created in order to provide a solution to scar problems. This is an over the counter scar reduction treatment has already been used by a lot of people who are having problems about scars on their skin. At time passes, the formation of keloid has become more prominent and this product will help flatten out these scars and are best suited for people regardless of their skin, age, and color.


The following are the main ingredients of this product. These are basically the main ingredients of the Complete ScarCare Treatment Kit:

  • Silicone Gel Matrix. This is in the dimension of 2”x 5.5”. This is considered as a pad with self absorbent features. In this way, you don’t have to do all the necessary wrapping and taping while you are on the process of treating the scar. Moreover, the other side of this pad is non sticky so it prevents other fabrics from adhering in this tape.
  • E-Sil Solution. This is a patented substance with Mineral oil and Tocopheryl acetate for healthy skin.


After washing the affected area with water, cut out the gel pad and put it on the scarred area. It should be worn for about 8 to 12 hours for effective result.

Possible Side Effects

The ingredients of this product are all natural. Thus, there are no harmful side effects on the skin.

How Much Is The Dr. Blaines – Complete ScarCare Treatment

This product only costs $18.12. In addition, if you buy through Amazon, you enjoy free shipping especially on orders above $35.00.


Unfortunately, there are no known guarantees for this product as there is no return policies mentioned.

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