• Reduces the appearance of scars,
  • Is U.S. made,
  • Works on all types of scars,
  • Comes with a 90 day risk free guarantee.



The product source does not identify product ingredients.


Product application includes these steps:

  • wash and dry area to be treated,
  • apply the product (the product source contains no information on the amount of product to be applied each time the product is used).


$54.95 for a 30 day supply. Product discounts are available for purchases of more than one 30 day supply.

Selevax By Senvie Guarantee

The product source contains several product reviews and the product vendor also offers a 90 day money back guarantee and free shipping on all orders in the U.S. The product source also includes a toll free contact number.


Selevax By Senvie is expensive and for this reason and the limited information provided in the product source anyone considering purchasing this product would be wise to have a health care professional evaluate the product and the skin condition to be treated prior to purchase.

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